About company
For more than 50 years Wohr is one of the leading providers of automated parking systems in Europe. Today, the company installs and offers a wide range of manufactured systems. And thanks to the efficient, large-scale customer service, quick and cost effective technical service, Wohr systems popular in many countries and cities around the world. Such an innovative system as the Combilift, Parksafe, Flurparker talk about creativity and technical know-how. The company has offices in Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg,More ..
The Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, the Americas and Southeast Asia, and now in Russia. Our experience ensures high quality of work, high reliability, precise terms of delivery, assembly and installation, commissioning it to the customer, as well as warranty and post-warranty service.
Our technologies are saving building area of 2.5-4 times, and the volume of construction in 1.5-2 times. Rationality vertical architecture is that the driveway and ramp are only required on one level, and the car moved to the parking level, without human intervention. Our systems are designed for parking, parking and storage of cars in the heated garage spaces. System eliminates unauthorized access by unauthorized persons by means of individualMore ..
identification means (key coded magnetic or electronic card, infrared means and means of radio remote control, as well as a mobile phone). It also provides protection from atmospheric and man-made pollution and other damage. After reading the brief catalog you will receive preliminary information on equipment types of parking systems that we supply, and to help solve the problem of placing vehicles in the limited space on the plane, using our technology with the highest degree of efficiency.
Многолетний опыт компании ООО «АСПА» позволяет предложить разработку проектно-сметной документации, гарантировать высокое качество производимых работ, высокую надёжность оборудования, чёткие условия его поставки, установки и сдачу в эксплуатацию Заказчику, а так же гарантийное и послегарантийное обслуживание. Наши современные системы управления, гибкость в работе с клиентами позволяют нам предлагать более выгодные условия, чем у наших конкурентов. Наилучшее подтверждение нашей деловойПодробнее..
репутации – это положительные отклики многих наших клиентов на работу оборудования, которое мы поставляем, и сервисные услуги, которые мы оказываем. В разделе объекты Вы найдёте перечень всех реализованных наших проектов и сможете ознакомиться с фотографиями поставленного оборудования.